SoC Technology

SoC Team

Execution of ideas 2 silicon through a proven SoC team & Seraphim platform

SoC Automation

Eliminates manual scripting & execution to boost individual engineer efficiency


Ensures each engineer to help strategize convergent and repeatable SoC execution

via Cloud

All projects, engineers, and tool results tracked by Seraphim. Easily pull up project information.

Team Scaling &
Consistent Execution

Frames all engineers to conform to team strategies and policies to produce uniform QoR


Achieves the best quality of results by complementing various EDA tool deficiencies

SoC Teams

LD / Verification

Ideas to specs to RTL design and verification

Physical Design

DSM proven PD team + Seraphim SoC platform = consistent and convergent SoC execution


Design for Test automated by experienced engineering team


SoC prototyping and debugging enabled by industry standard FPGA platforms

Mixed Signal

Accomplished and seasoned analog design veterans for ultra-speed interfaces

Package & Board

Package and board designs and third-party vendor management


ATE vector generation and debugging


Managing major foundries, packaging, and test vendors

SoC Tapeouts Completed
1 +
Years of SoC Design
1 +
Gate SoC Designed
1 M
Foundries Collaborated
1 +
SoC Engineers Accessible
1 +
Technology Nodes
1 +

Seraphim SoC Platform

From the inception in 2005 in San Jose, CA, Uniquify has been a leader in SoC design, services, and innovation IP addressing 100’s of SoC tape-outs on advance technology node such as 7nm from foundries, TSMC, Global Foundries, Samsung, UMC, and SMIC. Capabilities of Uniqiufy’s global SoC team spans from spec, RTL design and verification, Physical design and verification, supply-chain management, packaging and testing, and production ramp.

Seraphim is knowledge based SoC platform that Uniquify has been developing and employing over the past 17 years to establish leadership and competitive advantage in the SoC services arena. Seraphim automates physical design flow, boosts engineers’ capacity and capability, fixes EDA tool deficiencies, implements QoR analysis automation, enables global team management, and streamlines physical design resource training and scaling in any design center around the world.


Individual Engineer Capacity
1 x
Final tape-out execution
1 x
PD Resource Reduction
1 x
Samsung selected Uniquify's PD team and Seraphim platform as a channel partner to all north America Samsung customers because of the consistent and convergent SoC PD flow which stems from the knowledge based SoC platform Seraphim and well-trained PD engineers at Uniquify.
GS Han
System LSI Design Head/EVP

SoC Automation

Seraphim automates entire SoC physical design flow to eliminate errors and inefficiencies, introduced by manual work performed by engineers, to reduce execution time & resources, ensures repeatability and convergence, guarantees the correct-by-construction design flow, eliminates any changes without documentation, and accelerates final tape-out cycle to reduce the overall time to market. Areas of SoC automation by Seraphim include data & library management, tool and flow scripts, QoR analysis, and team management and control

Seraphim Enhancement

There are challenging issues and inherent tool deficiencies in complex SoC designs and flows ranging from top and block level implementation, library and design data management, and tool limitations. Seraphim addresses these issues and deficiencies by parameterized and automated design methodology that is flexible and reusable by any engineer and team.

Seraphim Analysis

Analyzing QoR reports, tool log files, and various output files are paramount important for engineers to adjust and strategize their next move to ensure convergent SoC execution. Many engineers can get overwhelmed and bogged down by the shear amount of analysis that they need to perform each iteration of design flow. Seraphim analysis automation ensures each engineer to fully digest all reports, log and output files to make the “right moves” to bring design closure in a consistent and convergent manner.


One example of the type of analysis that Seraphim will provide is the Buffer & Inverter Efficiency Report. For critical paths, Seraphim will show the average distance per delay unit that each buffer or inverter is providing.

In Post-Route STA cell analysis , Seraphim can parse the lib files and analyze whether a cell is optimized well based on its capacitance and transition from the STA reports.

Analysis Time Saved
1 x
All QoR reports & logs analyzed
1 %

Team Scaling & Consistent Execution

Seraphim is a complete SoC platform addressing, flow automation, EDA deficiency elimination, analysis automation, and global team management, it is used to train, deploy, and scale PD team anywhere in the world by shortening training cycle by 5x, boosting individual engineer’s capacity by 3x, and streamlining remote team management. Seraphim guides engineers through team strategies and policies to allow for uniform QoR. Through this organized structure, engineers can quickly grasp existing and deploy new projects Uniquify has been utilizing Seraphim SoC Platform to train, deploy, and manage SoC teams around the globe in the US, Vietnam, and India.

Eligible engineering pool
1 x
Team Building Rate
1 x
Reduction of training cycle
1 x


Seraphim's intuitive design can be understood by fresh college graduates. This greatly opens up the pool of eligible engineers.


Seraphim's automation, summary, and analysis tools greatly increase engineer's growth.


Seraphim enabling more engineers will allow for quicker time to market and also greatly increase project capacity.


Seraphim's monitor solutions allow for effective product management.

Founded in 2005 in Silicon Valley (San Jose, California) by semiconductor industry veterans, Uniquify’s vision is to become one of the world’s leading high-end System-On-a-Chip(SoC) design and fabless manufacturing businesses. It produces its own product targeting ultra-high definition displays for Digital TV, and related consumer display products. It offers SoC design, integration and manufacturing services to leading semiconductor and system companies worldwide, in silicon processes down to 14nm, with a portfolio of market-leading, silicon-proven DDR memory interface IP.